Ms. Tietze ́s poem

Ms. Tietze ́s poem (English version p 1-3)

Frau Tietzes Gedicht (Deutsche Version S 4-7)

How it came

On September 20th of the year 2016 Light Attendants celebrated the autumn equinox on different places of this earth. The Light Attendants created special events with Lucia N°03 and offered a specific session on this day. Participating people who had a lightexperience told them three terms of spontaneous feeling.

We collected them, found nine key terms and gave them to Ms Tietze.

What did Ms. Tietze do?

Ms. Tietze created a wonderful poem:

Comes a Light (Equinox)

Resting inside myself, Surrounded by darkness.

There comes a radiant light,
Which breaks into a thousand colors, To fill my heart with warmth,
With his splendor.

Beyond the boundary between body and soul:
A being, returned to its source -
In the pure moment of being matured to mere perception, Finally conceives of itself as light.

What is the connection between Ms. Tietze and Lucia N°03?

Ms. Tietze has been first a client of Dr. Engelbert Winkler.

She was the first to experience the device when it was an „espresso machine“-prototype and later Lucia N°02 and Lucia N°03.
Interestingly enough the light had a deep impact on her skill of writing beautiful poems.

Thus she feels deeply in touch with Lucia N°03 lightexperiences.

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My first light-experience

(written by Ms. Tietze, translated by TZ)

In a dimmed room, I reclined on a comfortable couch.
The verbal attempt by the therapist to phase into relaxation quickly fell on fertile ground through the presentation of my favorite composition, “Suite Air” by Johann Sebastian Bach.
So there was no need to encourage me to close my eyes anymore. At this state I noticed a light, as if a flashlight was pointed at me.
I accelerated my breathing, in order to sink faster to the ground, to the place where all sensations and emotions are able to unfold its virtue.
Slowly the light grew brighter and brighter. And with the same devotion I entrusted myself to the mystery inside me, I breathed in the brightness of the light.

Gradually uniting with the boundlessness of the light, I effortlessly surrendered to this gift as I recognized myself in this light.

A deep feeling of safety and security made me understand, that I had returned to the source of the light, which was created by my own true being and was at my disposal at all times as my sanctuary.

The perfectness of the light generated a conviction, that nothing else exists into which it could be transformed, because the light is everything.
Slowly the light withdrew, and with melancholy and tears I returned to this life.

Bio of Ms. Tietze

Born 1932, in Görlitz, Germany
Grew up in 3 different foster homes along with 47 other children. Initially received inadequate education through the caregivers, then, graduated from elementary school with high grades.

With 14 years old, flight due to the invasion of Russian soldiers.
They transported all residents of the foster home to Czechoslovakia, where they forced us to get out on a big field that was covered in snow. We had only a blanket to sit and sleep on. Many children died.
I don’t remember who provided for us. More escape routes led into Switzerland, escorted by American soldiers. They supplied us with food and beverages. Crammed into cargo trains, we arrived in West Germany.
Again committed into orphanages.

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Reached adulthood with 21 years old. Psychological tests given by the guardianship court resulted in being considered and trained as an office employee. The costs to attend educational facilities were covered for 9 years. However, with the advance of computing, my desire to learn more about this area of expertise grew, and therefore I exclusively devoted myself to it. Schooling as a Computer Programmer followed and then an in- house training as a System Analyst. 1981 I was appointed as a juror in court, district Nürnberg-Fürth.

To facilitate my passion for mountain hiking, I changed my residence and moved to Alpbach in Tyrol in 1982. After reaching the required 35 working years, I retired in this town, surrounded by mountains.


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