Research has validated that there is an impact on athletic performance when meditative practices are applied. There are studies of varying populations that demonstrate that meditation….

  • Enhances physical recovery (heart rate, breathing rate, plasma neuropeptide Y concentration)

  • Creates a more efficient deployment of neural processing and autonomic responses

  • A demonstration of the “elite performer” brain pattern on MRI (lower activation in the region of the brain associated with emotional reactions)

  • Emotional regulation altering central nervous system activation

  • An increase in the right insula across all of its connections strengthening interception

  • Reduction in pain by participant rating pain 57% less unpleasant and 40% less intense, on average, after meditation training

  • Immune system strengthening lowering the severity of illness impact

  • Reduce their stress to create less anxiety, and somatic distress

As the Lucia N°03 offers a deep meditation practice these benefits can be actualized, faster and more efficiently then when compared to meditators without the Lucia N°03.


Another unspoken impact of meditation on athletes is sleep. Research has demonstrated that athletes who do not get enough sleep can experience negative effects such as…

  • Weight gain

  • Inability to maintain focus

  • Mood disturbances

  • Increased anxiety

  • Decreased motor control.

As the Lucia N°03 offers a deep meditation practices these benefits can be actualized, faster, quicker and more efficiently then when compared to meditators without the Lucia N°03.